眾達華盛頓特區分所成立於 1946 年,當時共有四名律師執業。到今天,在歷史悠久、可遠眺國會山莊的 Acacia 大樓裡,本事務所麾下目前有超過兩百名執業律師。本所毗連的大樓運用最新科技打造,節能環保,由曾經贏得普立茲克建築獎(Pritzker Architecture Prize)的 Richard Rogers 爵士負責設計。事務所客戶來自國內外各地,承接的業務範圍極為廣泛,包含:反壟斷、政府管制、勞工聘僱、員工福利、智財權、訴訟、產品責任、能源、醫療保健、企業犯罪調查、證券法規相關業務、稅務、購併、金融機構和破產。
Jones Day in Washington: Gateway to a Nation’s Capital
A consistent presence in Washington since 1946, Jones Day’s lawyers advise a global client base on matters and disputes involving the federal government, its numerous agencies, and its complex regulations. Partners Noel Francisco, Jim Gauch, and Kevyn Orr discuss the value of having lawyers at the Firm with extensive government experience and who understand how Washington works.
Serving Any Client's Needs Anywhere on the Globe
Partner-in-Charge U.S. Offices Kevyn Orr discusses our panoply of services, including global disputes, litigation, finance, government contracting, issues and appeals, bankruptcy, and restructuring.
4:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time
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