Strengthening Cultural Justice: Learn, Incorporate, & Advocate

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Drs. Ann Turnbull, Karrie Shogren, and Meghan Burke, co-authors of Exceptional Lives: Practice, Progress, & Dignity in Today’s Schools invite you to a conversation about cultural justice.

Dr. Ann Turnbull
Dr. Karrie Shogren
Dr. Meghan Burke

Drs. Ann Turnbull, Karrie Shogren, and Meghan Burke, co-authors of Exceptional Lives: Practice, Progress, & Dignity in Today’s Schools (10th Edition, 2024), invite you to a conversation about cultural justice. The webinar will begin with framing key concepts that can support educators in advancing cultural justice for students with disabilities and their families in a way that reflects cultural humility. They will then share with you what has supported them to grow in:

  • Learning about cultural justice to hone their knowledge, skills, and depositions
  • Incorporating what they have learned in their teaching, research, and service
  • Advocating for policy at the local, state, and federal level to reduce systemic barriers.

They will identify resources in Exceptional Lives that you can use in your own journey to cultural justice and cultural humility, as well as provide additional resources.