National Nurses Day: Why I Chose a Nursing Major

Ana Cooper, student, Miami Dade College  |  May 5, 2023 in Pearson Students

A v-neck scrub shirt with a stethoscope around the neck. The pocket logo says, “Benjamin Leon School of Nursing, Miami Dade College”.

May 6th, 2023 is National Nurses Day here in the US. This day will be special to me because for the first time, I’ll celebrate it as a nursing student. While digging my nose in a book, writing care plans, assessing patients, and attending long clinical hours, I don’t lose sight of why I am in this field and what brought me here. Picking a college major can be difficult. But I am going to show you some character traits I have that are helping me to be a great nurse.

Precision and Diligence

Nurses must be precise and accurate in everything they do. You have to triple check everything. I was called a “perfectionist” because I liked things done right. I often took on with the most detail-oriented tasks because I could step back and see how this detail is actually significant in the big picture. Growing up homeschooled, it was all on me in high school if I didn’t do my schoolwork. I used to get up at 6am, say my prayers, and start school by 6:05am. I still did dance, piano, youth group, yearbook, honors society stuff, yet I never fell behind. Being an overachiever who loved studying the human body, nursing seemed like a great challenge and fit.

A Sense of Humor

Many patients are not quite themselves when they are sick and can say really ridiculous things. I had an elderly gentleman that proposed to me and asked me to dump my boyfriend for him! That is extremely personal, but I had to laugh it off and not let him get under my skin. I am usually able to make my friends laugh especially when I am telling a frustrating story. Humor helps me cope and will help me cope later.


As a nurse, you must be organized. You have to keep all your patients straight and do your patient rounds efficiently. An ordered environment leads to ordered thinking. Organized rounds also lead to organized assessments and organized documentation. My friends have asked me to help them move and organize their belongings or prepare nurseries because I can stay on task and perform efficiently. Learning about the pyxis (medication management) system made me feel elated.

A Caring Bedside Manner

You can’t lie but you can’t sugar coat either. My closest family and friends know that I am honest no matter what. I tell it like it is. But I try my best to speak kindly and empathetically. When I feel sick, I like to know what is wrong with me and how to fix it. I love to learn about medicine and pathology because I can educate patients and help them to feel more in control. I have even been told by friends and relatives that I'd make a great nurse.


I love the sciences. Anatomy and physiology as well as microbiology as are so fascinating to me and in high school, I preferred them to other subjects. The more I learn about what can go wrong in the body, I realize what a blessing it is when things are going well. I use social media to follow other medical personnel, specifically related to labor and delivery, to learn as much as possible even before I take my OB class.

It Works with The Lifestyle I Want

I really love the idea of working for a few years and then being able to be home and care for a family. If I need or want to go back to work, there are a plethora of careers in nursing that could support this lifestyle either in-person or remotely, including case management and nursing research.

No one knows what their future holds, but it is nice to know that my degree is adaptive. My passion and character traits have laid the foundation for successful academic and professional careers balanced with my goals for my personal life. Whether I am caring for patients or my own kin, I feel confident in my abilities to care for them because of my rigorous training. I have peace of mind knowing that I am being educated to critically think and be a patient advocate which will come in handy no matter what.

Can’t wait to take the NCLEX! Happy Nurses Day!

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